PWM is widely used in power electronics to "digitalize" the power so that a sequence of voltage pulses can be generated by the on and off of the power transistors. The fundamental component has variable magnitude and variable frequency. The PWM output pulses are shown in Fig. 5 and its frequency spectrum is shown in Fig. 6 Sinusoidal triangle PWM (SPWM) is the mostly used method. Triangle wave is used as carrier and reference signal is sinusoidal wave, whose frequency is the desired frequency and amplitude is determined by desired voltage amplitude, DC voltage and carrier amplitude. The fundamental component is what we want to drive the motor. Because the equivalent circuit of the motor is composed of resistors and inductors, the motor is like inductive impedance so that the effect high frequency components can be neglected.
2 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
PWM is widely used in power electronics to "digitalize" the power so that a sequence of voltage pulses can be generated by the on and off of the power transistors. The fundamental component has variable magnitude and variable frequency. The PWM output pulses are shown in Fig. 5 and its frequency spectrum is shown in Fig. 6 Sinusoidal triangle PWM (SPWM) is the mostly used method. Triangle wave is used as carrier and reference signal is sinusoidal wave, whose frequency is the desired frequency and amplitude is determined by desired voltage amplitude, DC voltage and carrier amplitude. The fundamental component is what we want to drive the motor. Because the equivalent circuit of the motor is composed of resistors and inductors, the motor is like inductive impedance so that the effect high frequency components can be neglected.
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